West Virginians for Energy Freedom believes:

  • West Virginians should have the freedom to invest in and benefit from locally-owned, renewable, and efficient energy technology.

  • The state government and our utilities should act in the best interest of West Virginians by empowering us to reduce and manage our own energy bills. This will boost the state's economy through good, local energy jobs, and provide greater energy security and safety to our state.

Community Action Events

Join us at our upcoming Community Action Events! During these events, you can expect a highly interactive workshop designed to break down the basics of the energy system in West Virginia, highlighting barriers that prevent access to affordable energy. We'll provide you with valuable information and opportunities to learn more about exercising your energy rights and accessing affordable energy through government incentives, including solar and energy efficiency programs. Share your personal and community-wide struggles with rising electricity costs. Together, we can work towards a brighter energy future for West Virginia!


Share your experience with rising electricity costs.

Residential electricity costs in West Virginia have increased over 30% in the last decade. Share your personal experience dealing with these rising electricity costs. If you did anything to take control of these costs (ie. going solar, implementing energy efficiency measures) you can share this experience as well.