On PJM testimony

On PJM testimony

A Letter to the Editor from

 Jim Kotcon, Chair 
WV Chapter of Sierra Club 

 Thank you for David Beard’s article regarding the Dec. 9 testimony from PJM to the WV Legislature regarding the reliability of our electric grid. It is certainly true that rising electricity demands, especially from large “data centers,” combined with closing existing electric generating plants creates concern about the reliability of our electric grid. 

Ten reasons why small-scale, non-utility solar is important

Ten reasons why small-scale, non-utility solar is important

By Ryan Kennedy

Behind-the-meter solar for homes, businesses, and communities comes with numerous benefits, said a paper from Stanford engineering professor Mark Jacobson.projects can generally be placed in two buckets: they are either large utility-scale ground mounted projects connected to the grid, or they are smaller, distributed projects, typically 20 MW in capacity or less.