AEP Base Rate Case


What happened?

On Friday, August 2, 2024, AEP’s West Virginia utilities, Appalachian Power and Wheeling Power, filed the initial documents to increase rates for most, if not all, of their customers. The paperwork filed on that day describes the impact of the proposal to how rates work for the customers. It does not, however, give any reasoning for why AEP believes that the Public Service Commission (PSC) should approve their request. That will come later, once AEP files testimony to justify its proposal. The case number for the case is 24-0669–E-42T.


What do we know so far about the case?

Because different types of customers’ bills are set up differently, the impacts are different, so we categorize the proposed impacts by category:

Residential customers

A nearly $29/month increase for households using 1,000 kwh per month, according to the press release by AEP.

For customers who have not gotten solar panels yet, but wish to in the future, AEP proposes a change to make it much less cost-effective to go solar: It slashes the net-metering credit given for power given to the grid by ⅔, from a 1:1 credit that is currently utilized. Read more about net metering on our net metering page.

Small businesses

Most small businesses would see a rate increase of approximately 25% (from less than 11 cents/kwh to more than 13 cents/kwh)

Churches and schools

Most churches would see an increase of 24% for their energy rates, with some larger churches having slightly higher increases, up to 26%.

Most schools will have increases of between 15% to 22%.

Local governments

Inexplicably, it is actually more expensive to modernize streetlights to light-emitting diode (LED), despite their reduced energy use, increased longevity, and minimized maintenance costs.


What comes next?

The exact timeline is not set in stone, but this is likely to be an approximate timeline:

Labor Day 2024

AEP files its testimony giving its reasoning behind the proposals. 

Fourth Quarter 2024

There will likely be gaps in explanations for what they are proposing. Organizations that intervene (“The Parties”) can ask questions and request missing information to fill in the gaps. (Several members of WV4EF are often parties in PSC cases).

Late 2024/early 2025

The Parties can offer their own testimony proposing changes to the rate impacts and changes to how programs work.

First Quarter, 2025

The Parties and AEP provide rebuttal testimony to the other testimony, and a hearing is held on all of the testimony. The expert witnesses are cross-examined by lawyers for the Parties and AEP. Public comments can be submitted until there is a decision in the case, but within a few weeks after the hearing, it will be harder to influence the outcome of the case. Some cases are able to be settled either before or after the hearing, but before the PSC makes a decision.

Second Quarter, 2025

The PSC decides on the case and the rates go into effect.


What can I do to make my voice heard in the case?

Tell Your Story

Tell your story about how this rate increase will affect you!


Sign up for WV4EF emails

We will keep you updated with the latest information.



Make comments on the case after the testimony comes in and we have more information about the case. Our supporters expect us to have accurate and complete information before weighing in on a proposal and we take that duty seriously. We will email you, or you can check back in September when we expect to have the official WV4EF action center “live” for this case, based on the full picture.


Sign Tyler BLAKE’s petition

In the meantime, our friend Tyler has a petition that he will be submitting to the PSC in a few weeks, which is a way that you can express your opposition to this rate increase.


Speak with US

Speak with a WV4EF staff member about becoming active. 

  • Interested in having a training about energy freedom and rate increases to your area? 

  • Want to write a letter to the local newspaper? 

  • Want to host a protest? 

  • Want to put up a billboard about electric rates? 

Let’s talk. You can sign up for a time to speak with our coalition staff by emailing We want to help you accomplish your goals to bring more energy freedom to West Virginia. We need to all work together to fight the powerful interests that cause our bills to keep going up!

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